Garmin Coach Half Marathon Plan – Week 1

This has been my first week participating in Garmin’s half marathon training program.  I am no stranger to the half marathon.  Its the race I constantly run and train for.  My approach to training for the race has been simple: 1) run three times a week 2) try to run faster each time 3) get strength training in twice a week.  Though I’ve been somewhat successful in maintaining a decent time for my races, I don’t like the way I finish.  I start off strong, but slowly burn out until I pretty much walk and run the last few miles.  I want a more consistent/steady pace for this distance so I decided to give the workout a try.  

The approach to the workout is different.  It requires 4 runs a week which are time based (not distance).  Week one reminded me that there is a such thing as running workouts.  With that being said, I still need to figure out how to incorporate my strength training (I shoot for twice a week).  This week I was only able to conduct strength training once.  I may end up adding it to one of my shorter runs.  

The hardest workout this week was the long run.  I ended up doing just under 10 miles this week (9.96 to be exact).  10 miles is typical for me over the weekend.  I do that much even when I don’t have a race coming up.  The difficult part was maintaining the pace this workout demanded.  I try to finish my longer runs between 8:50 and 9:20/mile.  This week’s run demanded that I run at a 9:33/mile pace.  I had to temper my tendency to try to pass people in front of me.  I had to resist the urge to sprint up and down the hill.  It was hard to see an open trail and not pick up my pace in order to reach a certain landmark faster.  It sucked.  I did finish the run feeling a lot better.  I was in minimal pain and my recovery time was quicker.  Not sure if it was the other exercises that I did that week which contributed or if it was the fact that I ran in at such a slow pace.  Either way, I am already seeing the benefits to this training plan. 

Time based running is something I’ve gotten away from over the years.  Before I had a watch that could track my running metrics, I would do things like hill repeats or sprints in order to improve my running.  I’ve gotten away from that.  My focus on how far I run and obsessing over my pace has shifted my approach to running and fitness in general.  Its important that I remember that my performance is not just regulated by what my devices tell me. Its also important that my body responds a certain way to my activities.  Feeling good after a run is different that feeling accomplished.  With this training, I intend to ensure that the two can meet.  

Published by SPITLOGIC

Father, Husband, Crate Digger, Runner, and too many more things to name. I don't consider anything special about me. I have this blog as a means to express and record significant parts of my life.

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